Saturday, May 13, 2006

Is this too much?

Are we in NYC so paranoid?

Yesterday afternoon I was walking home down 3rd Ave, and there were about a hundred police-people and cars and yellow tape blocking off the streets between 23rd and 19th. I obviously came through at the tail end of their "investigation", so I was allowed to get into my local grocer to get my papers, I asked what was going on and jimmy told me that there was an old empty suitcase left on 21st street and 3rd ave (probably for trash collection), and someone had called 911 to report a bomb.

It's a conundrum. Should we feel safe and protected, or should we feel that our resources are being wasted (yes we pay taxes too!)

I think their time would be better spent up in Harlem looking for that missing little girl instead.



Anonymous said...

Funny you should relate that story...a similar circumstance this week in Columbus, Ohio....a box was found outside a shelter for the homeless on a downtown street. Passersby called in the report of the suspicious box, saying it was "humming". The police taped off about two city blocks - the bomb squad came in - they used their remote robot to pick up the package and place in a explosion safe container....all on live news.

It was discovered that the box contained a battery-powered women's sexual device. True story.

Luckyboo said...

Donnie, so that's where my delivery ended up !! Can't trust the US Postal service either

Anonymous said...

Oddly, it WAS addressed to someone named "Belinda".....