Monday, August 08, 2005

Augusten Burroughs

I was having a pedicure the other day (sounds lux, but a necessary lux when one is walking 50 billion miles a day in Manhattan).

I was reading the crappy magazines, and watching, out of the corner of my eye, a woman reading a book.

I noticed that she was laughing hysterically one minute, and crying the next.

I’m a book lover, so was instantly fascinated. No one talks to strangers in the City, so I didn’t have the guts to ask what the book was called.

I put on my old, crusty, hardly used glasses from out of the depths of my big fat handbag, and read the authors name on the cover of the book (luckily it was a big hard-back).

Had no pen and paper to write down his name or the title, so did ‘word association’ until I could get out of that chair, slipping and sliding with my shiny new toes, straight to ‘Barnes and Noble’ where I promptly bought the autobiographical book – called “Dry”.

Loved the book.
Loved him.

Since then I have read his others, “Running with Scissors”; Magical Thinking” and Sellevision.

I believe he just did a tour in our country of OZ, and I think there’s a movie coming out based on “Running with Scissors” Can’t wait.

The man is brilliant, honest, and certainly ‘dry’ in humor!


NickVNC said...

Augusten Burroughs good stuff...

Luckyboo said...

Thanks, I think he is a terrific writer - actually sent the book to my Mum back in Aus then discovered he had done a Sydney and Melbourne tour too late...