Saturday, August 13, 2005

Quote of the week

I just read what I believe is the quote of the week:

This was Matthew McConaughey’s take on how New Yorkers treat celebrities:

“If a New Yorker recognizes you in a restaurant, he’ll just say, ‘Great place, try the swordfish.’”

And this is why I agree...

The other day I was walking home and noticed a crowd of paparazzi and fan-people outside the service entrance of the ‘W Hotel’ at Union Square, they had big black cars blocking the sidewalk, in fact blocking the whole street, making it difficult to get through. Pedestrians or cars.

There were men with little headphone communication devices, and a million people taking photos of Julia Roberts with their cell phones.

Then another woman came walking down the street, pushing through the crowds, negotiating her way around the limos, obviously intent on getting to where she was going, which was clearly nowhere near the ‘W’.

She didn’t once look at Julia, the bodyguards or the fans and simply muttered under her breath as she walked past me, “For Pete’s sake”.

That’s a New Yorker for you!!

PS: It wasn’t actually “for Pete’s sake”, but something similar!! - I will not swear on my blog!! Only in person.

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